Why choose colorado hardwood design

Experts in
Repair your floor

Restore the integrity and beauty of your hardwood floors with our expert Repair Flooring service at Colorado Hardwood Design. Our skilled professionals address a range of issues, from minor damage to more extensive repairs, ensuring your floors regain their original allure.

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Comprehensive Assessment

Thorough evaluation to understand the nature and extent of the damage.

Precision Repair

Skilled professionals using advanced techniques for seamless repairs.

Color Matching

Ensuring repaired sections seamlessly blend with the existing flooring.
Preventative Measures: Recommendations for ongoing maintenance to prevent future issues.

Re-Sanding Expertise

Colorado Hardwood Design’s Repair Flooring service is a testament to our commitment to preserving the longevity and aesthetic appeal of your hardwood floors. Whether your floors have suffered from scratches, dents, water damage, or other forms of wear and tear, our expert team is ready to provide tailored solutions to address the specific needs of your flooring.

The repair process begins with a thorough assessment of the damage. We meticulously examine the affected areas to determine the extent of the issues and develop a comprehensive plan for restoration. Our goal is not only to fix the visible damage but also to address underlying issues to prevent future issues.

Our Working Process


  • A detailed evaluation of the damaged areas to understand the extent of the issues.
  • Identification of the root causes to prevent recurring problems.


  • Clearing the affected area of furniture and obstacles to facilitate the repair process.
  • Ensuring a clean and safe workspace for our skilled professionals.


Matching and Blending
  • Matching the repaired sections with the surrounding flooring for a cohesive look.
  • Blending the color and finish to ensure a seamless integration with the existing floor.


Protective Finish
  • Application of a protective finish to enhance durability and safeguard against future damage.
  • Recommendations for ongoing maintenance to preserve the repaired areas.
Our customers have spoken...
At Repair service

Michael Turner


Colorado Hardwood Design’s repair service was a lifesaver for our home. As an architect, I’m meticulous about maintaining the integrity of our living space. Their team addressed every scratch and dent with precision, leaving our hardwood floors looking flawless. I highly recommend their expert repair service.

wood floor

Rachel Foster

Business Consultant

The repair service provided by Colorado Hardwood Design exceeded my expectations. As a busy professional, I didn’t have time to deal with the scratches on my hardwood floors. Their team not only repaired the damage but also took preventive measures. Now, my floors look brand new, and I couldn’t be happier.

David Thompson

Parent and IT Professional

Colorado Hardwood Design’s repair service is a game-changer. Being a parent with an active household, scratches and dents were inevitable. Their team not only fixed the visible damage but also offered valuable tips for ongoing maintenance. Our hardwood floors are now both beautiful and resilient.

Isotipo Colorado
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Colorado Hardwood Design’s Repair Flooring service is not just about fixing visible damage; it’s about restoring the structural integrity and beauty of your hardwood floors. Our commitment to excellence ensures that your repaired floors not only look revitalized but also withstand the test of time.